Home > Recent Judgements > Divorce Grounds Do Not Bar Maintainance Delhi High Court
Sept 24, 2024

In a significant ruling of Manish V. State Of NCT Of Delhi & Anr., the Delhi High Court recently reinforced the right of a Appellant’s Wife to claim maintenance, even if Appellant’s Wife seeks a divorce after leaving Appellant for valid reasons. The court emphasized that merely leaving the Appellant or being educated cannot be grounds to deny a woman her rightful maintenance.
Justice, presiding over the case, dismissed a Appellant’s appeal against a family court order passed in November 2022. The family court had awarded monthly maintenance of ₹5,500 to Appellant’s Wife, a decision that the Appellant sought to challenge.
The Appellant’s Wife decided to leave Appellant, citing serious issues in their marriage. The Appellant’s Wife alleged that the Appellant was an alcoholic who subjected her to physical abuse and that Appellant, along with his family, harassed Appellant’s Wife about not providing enough dowry. Despite having an education, the Appellant’s Wife claimed she was financially dependent on Appellant and sought maintenance, arguing that Appellant had sufficient resources but chose not to support Appellant’s Wife. The Appellant’s Wife emphasized that the toxic and abusive environment in their home forced to leave the house, prompting to file for financial assistance. This assistance was necessary not only to cover day-to-day living expenses but also to address legal costs, highlighting Appellant’s Wife struggle for financial security and independence after leaving an abusive relationship.
- Whether the appellant’s Wife left him voluntarily or was compelled to leave due to abuse?
- Whether the Wife’s education qualifies her to support herself and deny her maintenance claim?
- A Wife cannot be precluded from asserting a claim for maintenance solely on the basis of her decision to separate from her husband, provided that legitimate grounds exist for such separation. In the present matter, the Appellant’s Wife asserted that Appellant was an alcoholic who subjected to physical violence and that along the family, engaged in harassment concerning dowry demands. The court deemed these allegations to be credible.
- The statement underscores that a Wife’s education should not disqualify her from receiving maintenance. It clarifies that education does not guarantee financial independence, especially if she has been out of the workforce due to familial obligations. The court recognizes that many educated women may face challenges in securing stable employment. Therefore, maintenance should be based on actual needs rather than educational background, ensuring fair support for those in vulnerable financial circumstances.
- In addition to the monthly maintenance, the family court had also directed that the amount be increased by 10% every two years to account for inflation. Moreover, the Appellant’s wife was awarded ₹12,000 towards litigation expenses, a significant relief to ensure Appellant’s Wife could pursue her legal rights without financial burden.
The Appellant claimed that his monthly income was ₹13,000, but the family court assessed it at ₹16,000 based on the minimum wage standards in Delhi. The High Court upheld this finding, observing that individuals involved in matrimonial disputes often attempt to downplay their income.
Justice further highlighted that even income tax returns may not accurately reflect a person’s financial standing in such cases. The court noted that there was no substantial evidence to prove the Appellant’s claim of supporting his parents financially, dismissing his argument as a mere “bald averment.”
In its ruling, the High Court emphasized that it is the duty of an able-bodied man to support his wife. In this case, the Appellant failed to produce any evidence showing that Appellant’s Wife was capable of maintaining herself. The court thus upheld the family court’s decision, asserting that there was no valid reason to interfere with the findings.
This judgment by the Delhi High Court highlights the judiciary’s balanced approach to handling matrimonial disputes. It recognizes the tendency of some individuals to underreport their income during disputes and stresses the importance of ensuring financial support for women who are dependent on their spouses, irrespective of their educational qualifications.
In an era where the role of women in society is evolving, this decision reinforces the principle that maintenance is not a luxury but a right for those who deserve it based on the circumstances of the marriage. It serves as a reminder that a Wife’s claim for maintenance cannot be dismissed simply because she is educated or has chosen to leave her husband for valid reasons.
The ruling emphasizes the obligation of husbands to provide financial support when their Wives are unable to support themselves, irrespective of the wives’ educational status or their choice to pursue a divorce. The court’s decision highlights the necessity for inflation-adjusted maintenance, ensuring that financial assistance remains equitable and in line with increasing living costs. This judgment is expected to influence future matrimonial cases, reaffirming that the law is designed to safeguard the rights of individuals, particularly women, who are in vulnerable positions during or after a marriage.
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