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Manoj C&P Team

Manoj has a wide experience of more than 22 years in admiralty and commercial law matters and is known for leveraging jurisdictional and other procedural defenses to shut down cases timely, saving overseas clients the expense and uncertainty of litigating in an unfamiliar system. When cases do continue for long, he has the expertise to see them through to conclusion.

He has dealt extensively with recurring issues in cross-border disputes, practices across industries, and has represented shipping companies, banks, fund and investment sector, media companies, pharmaceutical companies, and other businesses in a wide variety of contract and business cases.

He has a deep understanding of both the common and civil law systems and traditions. Manoj regularly appears before various court and tribunals including tax and customs authorities. He has tremendous knowledge that serves as a guide for businesses and individuals when they are confronted with disputes.

The ability to view every issue with the background of a counsel, a businessman, an arbitrator, a trial lawyer, and a team player, gives Manoj a unique advantage in analyzing and approaching the cases and complications presented before him.